California Traffic Infraction Violations
What Is A Traffic Violation?
A traffic violation is an offense that can happen anywhere not just in California. Our ticket defense attorneys are well aware of this and would love to help everyone all over the United States, but we wouldn’t be so successful in California if we were handling all of the U.S. Ticket Dismissers enjoys helping others defend their traffic violation tickets. but we also enjoy winning. Our group of attorneys are very successful fighting all traffic violation tickets in California. We handles all traffic violations tickets for all of California.
What Is An Infraction Violation?
An Infraction Violation is a traffic violation, which requires you to pay a fine and or receive a point on your driving record by the Department Motor of Vehicles (DMV). There are two different infraction violations: Moving and Non-Moving Violations. Moving violations are the violations that put points on your driving record if found guilty. Non-moving violations are the violations where no points will be placed on your driving record. An Infraction Violation in California you cannot go to a county jail unless not taken care of. Majority of traffic violations in California are classified as infractions violations.

Examples of a Moving Infraction Violations:
- Speeding
- Illegal u-turn
- Failure to stop at red light
- Failure to stop at stop sign
- Disobeying traffic sign
Examples of a Non-Moving Infraction Violations:
- Cell Phone
- Solo In Carpool
- Seatbelt
- Tinted Windows
Free Case Analysis
The best way to get guidance on your specific legal issue is to contact Ticket Dismissers. For a free accurate case analysis, please call 818-213-5130 or complete our contact form.