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Spotlight: Speeding Over 100mph



While it may be true that the majority of the public does tend to travel over the posted speed limit, in California, it could be considered a misdemeanor and a serious offense in the eyes of the law.

This is because of the recklessness of this behavior and the fine line it crosses in which lives of both the driver and others on the road are easily jeopardized.

In California, a misdemeanor can also mean jailtime, in addition to a reckless driving charge against your driving record and the increased fines for this offense.

The California law states that anyone traveling over 35mph above the posted speed limit is considered to be engaged in reckless driving. And anyone driving over 100mph can expect the most exorbitant fines and fees if they should be cited by a police officer. That same driver can expect the very real possibility of their license being suspended as well as 2 points against their driving record, and fines that can most assuredly add up to $1000.

California Vehicle Code Section 22350

The California Vehicle Code states that one should not be traveling faster than what is reasonable and showing good judgement of speed regarding visibility and weather conditions.

And responsibility falls to the driver as to whether they are causing other persons or property any undue safety dangers. This is not restricted by any posted speed limit as the road can be unpredictable and it may be appropriate at times to travel faster than the limit. However, keep it in mind, as was stated above, anytime you travel 35mph over the speed limit is against the law.

If you should find yourself the unlucky recipient of a citation for excessive speed, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at Ticket Dismissers. We’re here for you.

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