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Spotlight: New 2021 California Traffic Laws



Just in case you weren’t aware, there were a few new traffic laws that went into effect in January 2021. So just to make sure you start the New Year off well informed, we’ve highlighted them for you in this article.


Law For Good Samaritans To Help Unattended Children

Due to an increase in incidents where children were left in vehicles, this law was created to assist them when exposed to excessive heat or cold with lack of proper ventilation or any other  immediate danger and this law also protects those bystanders that assist by means which may damage the vehicle in order to remove the children so that the passersby will not face criminal or civil liability.


Emergency Vehicle Safety

While it is always imperative to be extra cautious while passing an accident scene, disabled vehicle, or one that is receiving emergency assistance, this law was created to protect those first responders or law enforcement officials who are outside of their vehicles at these times in response to an emergency.

In such instances, slowing down was a requirement on all highways but now that includes all roadways where a tow truck, California Highway Patrol, or any stationary emergency vehicle is present with emergency lights, in which case the driver should not only slow down but change lanes away from the vehicle receiving assistance.

Instead of a siren, authorized vehicles answering an emergency may also notify the public by use of a ‘Hi-Lo’ warning sound in the event of need for an immediate evacuation.


Distracted Driving Traffic Ticket and Points

As of July 1st, this law targets those drivers who are not in use of a hand’s free device for their phone or other electronic equipment and will result in one point against their driving record in addition to the fines and fees involved with receiving a distracted driving citation. This applies to a second offense citation within 36 months. This includes talking on your phone as well as texting. However, if you are under 18 you are not permitted to use any device while driving.

The California Department of Motor Vehicles states that 4 points within 12 months, 6 within 24, or 8 within 36. Months could result in the suspension of your driver’s license.

Remember, driving is a privilege and our safety on the roadways is dependent on each driver obeying the traffic laws.

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