In the state of California, when a person is cited for knowingly driving on a suspended or revoked license it is considered a misdemeanor violation that carries with it a fine of up to $1000 plus court costs and 6 months of jail time.
California Vehicle Code 14601.1 states that:
“(a) No person shall drive a motor vehicle when his or her driving privilege is suspended or revoked for any reason other than those listed in Section 14601, 14601.2, or 14601.5, if the person so driving has knowledge of the suspension or revocation. Knowledge shall be conclusively presumed if mailed notice has been given by the department to the person pursuant to Section 13106. The presumption established by this subdivision is a presumption affecting the burden of proof.”
The key word to this penal code’s definition is ‘privilege’. To be a responsible operator of a motor vehicle on the roadways shared by other drivers is to remember that to be a licensed driver is a privilege. There are shared rules of the road for everyone’s safety and those who choose to violate those rules, do so at the risk of harming themselves or others which in certain instances can prove fatal. Therefore, it becomes imperative to take this into consideration when you find yourself behind the wheel and often before even making the decision to drive, such as when intoxicated or otherwise impaired, and if your licensed has been revoked or suspended for some offense until such time as you are deemed worthy of being a safe operator of a vehicle according to the law.
Here are 3 examples of this offense:
- Driving on a suspended license for DUI, which is a crime under VC 23125a.
- Driving on a revoked license for conviction as an habitual traffic offender.
- Driving during a period of suspension for refusing to submit to a chemical test.
There are circumstances that are personal to each instance of why an operator of a vehicle may be cited for driving on a suspended or revoked license that can be brought up in one’s defense at the time of trial. Please don’t hesitate to contact Ticket Dismissers should you find yourself in this unfortunate situation. We’re here to help!